HHA Board meeting Agenda 12/13/2016

HHA December 13, 2016 Monthly Board of Director’s Meeting Location: Beachwood Drive
Call to order

Introduction of guests

Old Business:
1. Approval November minutes
2. Approval November treasurer’s report

Old Business

Items without resolve/progress since November:Crime report Sanchez Servicemark violation, Chamber/Dick VanDyke
Welcome packetTrademark use proposal
Village Green electric

Village Green user manual Wildlife preserve
Policy statement/standing rules Dope on the Rope

Specific Plan 25 years Committee Reports:
1. Presidentʼs message

2. Safety, evaluation plan, Village cameras

3. Communications

4. Special Events Jan. 22 Splendid Savage, meet the author ,Holiday party, arts/craft faire, food drive OM*

5. Zoning public works, submission to CD4 for money request to remove dirt on Durand and Westshire, no response from CD4 , 6068 Mulholland

6. Beautification, holiday decorating OM*, Village sewer update stariway proposal 7. Trademark/merchandising sold $40 items
8. History, archiving,