Meeting May 17 on Gower: EIR for Proposed Plan

SCOPING MEETING: The City will hold a scoping meeting for the Proposed Plan to receive comments on the scope and content of the proposed EIR. You are welcome to attend the meeting and present environmental information that you believe should be considered in the EIR. The scoping meeting is scheduled as follows:

Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Place: First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood (Mears Center) 1760 North Gower
Notice and Information links

The Proposed Plan materials below are in draft form and subject to change.

Hollywood Community Plan Proposed Text
Hollywood Community Plan Proposed General Plan Land Use Diagram

Proposed Hollywood Community Plan Update

The Hollywood Community Plan was last updated in 1988. The Hollywood Community Plan Update (Proposed Plan) directs future growth to already urbanized areas of the CPA. The proposed changes largely follow the current pattern of land use development reflecting City policies to direct growth where it can be supported by existing transportation infrastructure.

The Proposed Plan promotes a balance of housing units and jobs near transit where different types of land uses (e.g., commercial and residential) can be provided to reduce the length and number of vehicle trips. Light industrial districts are retained for the potential to support media or entertainment-related uses. The Proposed Plan also includes new zoning regulations to protect identified historic resources in many areas.

The Proposed Plan materials below are in draft form and subject to change.

Hollywood Community Plan Proposed Text
Hollywood Community Plan Proposed General Plan Land Use Diagram

For Reference:

Due to a Los Angeles Superior Court decision on the Plan’s Environmental Impact Report, the City Council took action on April 2, 2014 to rescind the 2012 Hollywood Community Plan Update (HCPU). As a result of this action, the City has reverted, by operation of law, to the 1988 Hollywood Community Plan and the zoning regulations that existed immediately prior to June 19, 2012 (the date of the adoption of the HCPU and ordinance).

The 1988 Hollywood Community Plan is the effective plan and can be viewed by the selecting the link below. The 2012 Plan is no longer in effect and is shown for Reference only. More background along with information on entitlement procedures under the 1988 plan and zoning is included in the Zoning Information (ZI) document below.


Adopted (1988) Hollywood Community Plan
Hollywood Community Plan Injunction ZI 2433 Revised


The Notice of Preparation (NOP) is used by the Lead Agency to get comments from any person, organization, or government agency that may be concerned with the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is being prepared. The NOP comment period is required by the California Environmental Quality Act to be 30-days. All comments received by the Lead Agency are reviewed and used to determine the scope of the EIR.