Did you know that having your house on the National Register does nothing legally to protect it from demolition? Neither does having a talented and/or famous architect. Neither does any local or state historic designation. At best, you can get a delay, but the bulldozers can’t be prevented for long. In fact, the only way to assure a house is not destroyed is through a very cool document called a preservation easement – essentially a homeowner’s association for one house.

Join George Smart (NC Modernist), and Cathleen Turner (Preservation NC), for a virtual info session on utilizing historic preservation easements to protect  houses. Get answers to questions like: Isn’t my house already protected? Why should I consider an easement? and more.

Additional Resources: presnc.org/get-help/easements-covenants/
Example easement document: presnc.org/files/2023/03/Fadum-House-HPA.pdf

Preservation easements work in every state.