Hollywoodland Legacy Fund

Some neighbors have expressed interest in donating a remembrance for a loved one, a new addition to a family and/or a dear neighbor who moved, but left a mark in Hollywoodland history.  To continue preservation while recognizing some of our wonderful neighbors,  the HHA is creating a legacy fund where people can make donations, bequeath money and/or vacant lots to the HHA  for special projects within our tract.  The HHA has 501c4 status and is not tax deductible, however if donations go through wills or trusts they generally will not be subject to taxes. In 2021, federal estate tax generally applies to assets over $11.7million.

Straight donations can not be considered tax deductible.

These are a few suggested projects that the Hollywoodland Legacy Fund could allocate bequests/donations to:

  • Restoration of any of the granite walls, stairs or entrance gates
  • Funding for restoration of the bridle trails in the Hollywoodland Gifted Park open space/ Griffith Park.
  • Plantings in the public spaces throughout Hollywoodland
  • Allocation of funds to specific legal actions that would preserve the integrity, history and safety of the residential area of Hollywoodland.

All donations will be earmarked for community projects and will be held separately until a project is ready for development.  Donors will be apprised of projects as they are developed and approved.

If you have any historical Hollywoodland ephemera or written/recorded reflections  you would like to share please share that too.  Your written reflections of our neighborhood can be a lovely legacy to share and we would appreciate that as well.

If you are interested in making a donation or bequest please contact us at HHA@ hollywoodland.org or Hollywoodland Homeowners Association

2700 N. Beachwood Drive, LA, CA. 90068