The January 2019 Newsletter has arrived!

The January 2019 Hollywoodlander Newsletter has arrived!

Read it Here!

Letter from the President

Soon all Hollywoodland residents will be receiving the annual membership packet along with a ballot for new and renewing board members for 2019. Hollywoodland is a very special historic community with much to offer. However, without a commitment to preservation the qualities that attract us to live here will be lost forever. A united force and funds are essential. Your membership and contribution can help the HHA protect this unique neighborhood along with sponsoring special events to bring us all together. Our Annual meeting will be held on Sunday January 27, 2019, 2:30 PM. at the Besant Lodge. Guest speakers are LAPD Senior Lead officer Brian White and LA Parks Superintendent Joe Salacies.
Your ideas for preserving our homes our neighborhood and the adjacent parkland are welcomed.
We would love to hear from you at ……MORE