We are members of  The Hollywoodland Homeowners Association (HHA) which is the official homeowner’s association in the Beachwood Canyon community of Hollywoodland.Organized in 1942, the HHA is a volunteer group representing single family residential property owners.

We aim to preserve, protect, beautify, and enhance this legendary neighbourhood and its surrounding environment. 

Our main purpose is to encourage safety and fire prevention in our substandard infrastructure. We have a vulnerable eco-geography, with three-sides juxtaposed to the sensitive 444 acres of the Hollywoodland Gifted Park portion of Griffith Park.

We are dedicated to our sacred community and with our united voices, we can most effectively speak to “The City” and to developers.

All residents within Hollywoodland can also join the Hollywoodland Residents Facebook group

Founded in 1923 the Hollywoodland community is the prime residential focal point of the Beachwood Canyon.

We are nestled below Mount Lee and the iconic and world renown Hollywood sign and our community is a diverse cross-section of dedicated citizens.  The Hollywoodland Homeowners Association was formed in 1942 on the premise of safety and property value protection. At that time, the board purchased a fire truck and organized a volunteer fire team trained by LAFD.

Our mission has remained unchanged for more than 75 years. Hollywoodland, tract 6450 begins at the historic granite gates ( designation #20) continuing north to the sign /the Main Communication Tower, east to the Bronson caves off Canyon Drive and west to the Lake Hollywood Reservoir.

Like all land tracts we are 640 acres, with 444 acres of open space originally owned by our developer and gifted to the city in 1944.

We are a single family residential community with a village area at the entrance and a horse stable beginning at the end of the paved portion of Beachwood Drive to the easement road.

Our perimeter is 85% open-space in a SEA ( significant ecological area).

Hollywoodland is immersed in a VSHFZ (very serve hazard fire zone) per state fire code 49.  New development, room additions,  fences and walls are regulated by the Hollywoodland Specific Plan (ordinance #168121).

 There is no legal vista viewing sites in the Hollywoodland Tract nor are there any official entrances into the open space.  The closest entry point is from Canyon Drive.   

If you are a property owner in Hollywoodland we encourage you to join the HHA!

Usage and Permissions

eMail Hollywoodland at  HHA@hollywoodland.org with your questions or comments.

10 thoughts on “

  1. Suzanne Baker says:

    We would like to thank JUSTIN BURNETT for kindly single-handedly putting a stop to the homeless encampment at 6075 Rodgerton Dr. when no one else stepped up.
    Thank you Justin! We are most appreciative and grateful!
    Our email address is hootiebebe@mac.com.
    Suzanne Baker & Abe Laboriel
    6070 Rodgerton Dr

  2. Christopher Chromwell says:

    To christine O’Brian
    Light up the Hollywood sign it is a landmark

  3. when is the next on line HHA meeting?

  4. Stephanie Savage says:

    I’m new to the neighborhood. I would like to attend your next virtual meeting. Please send the meeting information.

  5. Christine O’Brien says:

    Hello Alastair. I just saw this. We are meeting on Tuesday. Please send your email address to HHA@Hollywoodland.org so that I could contact you.

  6. Beverly Gushue says:

    I love this site! Very interesting and informative!

  7. Alastair Duncan says:

    My name is Alastair Duncan and I am a founding partner of the Beachwood Team. I have specialized in home sales in the canyon for many years and I would like to come to your next Association meeting, whether online or socially distanced in person, to offer my knowledge about what is happening in the real estate market, specifically in Hollywoodland, to anyone who has questions. Do you have a meeting scheduled?

  8. Hello. I was Google Searching and came across your Fire Prevention thread started a week and 5 days ago! I’m a former USFS wildland firefighter and currently I run a business that assists businesses and HOA’s develop and implement proper Defensible Space plans. We work alongside fire departments, insurance companies and contractors to make sure the goals are met. I’d be happy to help!

    *Website under re-construction but still live.

  9. Can you assist with our neighborhood extending the preferential parking district to include weekdays? We are in the Ledgewood/Mulholland Drive area.

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