The Hollywoodland Specific Plan
In 1987 The HHA developed the Hollywoodland Specific Plan(#168, 121) to protect Hollywoodland from excessive and inappropriately scaled development and to foster the neighborhood’s historic character, fabric, and relationship to the park.
The Specific Plan addresses fences, walls, room additions, and new house construction. If you plan to make changes to your property, contact the LA City Planning Department.
Fence rules from Los Angeles Municipal Code §12 22.C.20.(f)
FRONT YARD FENCES: in most residential areas, fences, hedges, trees are limited to 3.5′ in height in the front yard.
SIDE YARDS, REAR YARDS AND OTHER SPACES: 6′ or 8′ depending on property’s zoning. For example:
◦ 8 ft. maximum height – R zoned property, if lot width is 40 ft. or greater and not in hillside area.
◦ 6 ft. maximum height – R zone if lot width is less 40 ft
◦ 6 ft. maximum height – R zone, hillside area.
Fence and wall height are measured from the natural adjacent ground level.
Hollywoodland Specific Plan criteria discouraged chain link fences in the front yard and prohibits attaching fences to historic stairs or walls ( this includes the curb cap).
The all volunteer Design Review Board (DRB) meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 6PM in the R.E. Office at N. Beachwood if and when there are projects pending for review.
REAL ESTATE AGENTS, BROKERS, SELLERS, BUYERS of real estate in Hollywoodland, you will need to disclose and adhere to regulations of the Hollywoodland Specific Plan and the historic designation of the granite walls and stairs ( #535)